Monday, August 17, 2015

Letting go and Acceptance --


It's often a hard thing to comes to terms with. It's been an ongoing lesson for me to come terms with changes in my life and I'm sure we all can relate to having to accept something we're not quite comfortable with only because it's the only thing we can do.

I posted a photo on my instagram last night, a short religious quote, but whether you're religious or not I do think the meaning strikes home for just about all of us.We've all been in dark times and tough situations where we've have to make decisions in order to let go of the negativity and make ourselves happy. Whether it was ending a relationship, friendship, quitting a job, dealing with the loss of a loved one we've all found ourselves completely in the dark at one time or another.

I recently went through a situation with some people in my life who took advantage of me. It hurt. To be honest, I was more disappointed than anything. I won't name any names because at the end of the day those people will have to live with themselves and it's up to them to decide who they want to be. The most important lesson here is: You can only control yourself and it's not up to you to prove your worth to anybody. 

You can be the nicest. 



and loving person and people will still take advantage of you.

The only thing you can do in those situations is recognize when things aren't making you happy and decide what you need to do to change it. Sometimes it requires a talk and other times it means cutting those people out of your life completely. Either way sometimes you can't fix a bridge that's been burned, and it's okay to take a step back and let go of people and things that no longer make YOU happy.

That's what's most important.

Keep working on yourself and keep making a difference.

Things always fall into place.


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